How to add back ‘Humane” Thinking Back Into Our Schools.

With all this talk about remote learning, it has me wondering how, going forward, our children will view the natural world around them. Will it be a vision in their mind? Like living inside a 3D virtual machine? Where nature has become a memory. Yes, it seems that technology has taken over, like a vice. And while it appears that other animals are evolving naturally by adapting to the environment around them, the evolutionary trajectory of humans seemingly tends to gravitate towards modifying their environment and not adapting to it. I wonder, is this drive toward virtual environments just a natural advancement of our human evolution or is it an evolutionary modification that is forced upon us? The answer is the same as in the nature vs nurture debate. Each person can go on evaluating throughout the ages, with both sides having compelling arguments. Here is my take. The rapid changes in the global economy, and the United States Department of Education’s attempts at finding a one-size-fits-all solution for American education, has thrust schools towards making STEM subjects—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – high on the list when it comes to teaching and testing. This shift is not entirely a bad thing as it provides our students with the ability to become competitive in an ever changing technological global market and must be included in our school systems. And this push forward in technology is nothing new. The discovery and inclusion of technological advances has steadily been going forward since the first humetech learned to speak and write on the cave walls. But I have a question. Does this shift to a totally ‘technological’ mindset diminish the importance the Humanities (and nature) plays when it comes to the whole student? I would like to note, schools that have a symbiotic balance with all assets of the education system (administration, curriculum and instruction to teachers, students, family and community) provides a balanced and true outlook, looking at the qualities that our unifying self (natural and technological) have. We cannot dismiss that we are of both worlds, with no disconnect. We cannot take one over the other. I think this is most apparent as with our current Coronavirus bug, water shortage issues, or the current global warming crazes. Therefore, when it comes to education and the ‘whole’ adolescent, we need not diminish the importance of technology (science, math, engineering, etc.). However, we need to put the tech with equal footing with all other parts of the education system that are just as important. By doing so, we strength the individual and broaden their intellectual foundations. Teaching them that the tech combined with their creative side can help promote critical thinking skills which can solve current personal, societal and world problems. It also makes them engaged as citizens and thinkers, reinforcing ethical responsibilities and values which helps them understand the impact that they have on their environment and society. By equal footing of humanities and tech we create well-rounded academics, students and thinkers that will continue to learn, grow and contribute throughout their entire life. In closing, this methodical ‘tech only’ view has now created a humanitarian crisis. A worldwide madness of “indifference” toward our society, nature, animals and our fellow human beings. Humans are now detached, explosive and distasteful towards anything “other”. This could be in the form of destroying a person’s reputation because they hung up colorful lights to that of killing their own children because they were using video games too much. The rigid science of today has no feelings, no ethical codes, and no humaneness. By encouraging and teaching the human race within this sterile ‘mode’ of ‘science’ we ignore all that makes us human and thus creates just mindless bots – ready for any command.

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