The past year made me rethink a lot of things. One of which is the re-evaluation of what is to be truly human.
When I think about last year, I see myself at the beginning glowing with optimism. Life was wonderful. I had just gotten married, bought a house, great job, wonderful husband, good friends, and loyal family. Life couldn’t seem to get any better. I felt that I was living the American Dream, opportunities available for all those who wanted them and worked for them. Life was good! …. Until, I fiound myself in the midst of the great awakening of 2021 …
Part of this awakening is looking at our humanity. When I talk about humanity, I am talking about beings who have awareness in all things; reflective, intuitive and cognitive. Dalpe believes that it is the abstract that makes us human (Dalpe, 2018). For me, humanity is all about the individual rooted to the natural world; curious, creative and naturally technological. What makes us human is not in our technical applications, per se, but in our ability to form synergistic symphonies with millions of year’s of evolutionary systems innate within our own being; each one being exceptionally unparalleled at what they do. To have humanity is to find the balance between all of our evolutionary extremes, and shine where we can shine; in our own unique and creative way. As so eloquently stated, “where reason is balanced perfectly by feelings and where mind and body come together in perfect unity, a whole new quality emerges, a quality that is neither feeling nor reason, but something deeper and more complete” (Ventegodt , Andersen, et. al). Being Human is having an awareness of ourselves, in all that makes us unique, the good and bad, and through this awareness find our deepest joy of being alive – the symphony of life.
Unfortunately, one of our greatest human attributes, ‘en-framing’, is also our own demise. Humans need to understand what the relationship with technology does to their humanity. As with other human attributes, there needs to be a balance. As Martin Heidegger states, “The relationship will be free if it opens our human existence to the essence of technology”. Once understood, humans “shall be able to experience the technological within its own bounds”, i.e., having tech work for them and not overtake them (Heidegger), thus averting the supplantment of their humanity.
For generations, Humans have moved, either intentionally or un-intentionally, from being a harmonious self-aware individual to that of an unbalanced idiosyncratic human with fervor of for their technological self. Take for example, the current onslaught to get “the shot”, and the abounding scientific renditions, and political plays surrounding the shot and the rush of those to get it. Not only are there big questions of the ethics behind it, but there are so many unanswered questions as so the future consequences. Does it help humans or hinder, does it change our DNA, is their shedding from those that are “vaccinated” and if so does it attack the unvaccinated, does the shot cause sterilization, does it affect the brain with magneto nano particles or biosensors, create 5G distortions, remove creativity (Dalpe). Does it change your behavior, our entire genome (Tennpenny)? What would humans look like in 2 years’ time, 10 years, or 500 years? How is our evolutionary trajectory changed by this and other subsequent shots?
Yes, this is the most dangerous time in our existence. Not because, of our social, environmental or economic concerns, but we, as humans, are rapidly being instrumentality transformed into biotechnology. So rapidly, in fact, that it will change humanity on the most basic level. And if we don’t learn to balance tech, without it controlling us, we will forever be change us on an evolutionary level.
Up until this point in time there was still hope. Although each generation was being prepped for this technocratic course via chemtrails, fluoridation, injected chemicals, radiated foods, prescription drugs, behavior modification, etc., our human biological systems had a way to flush it and overcome these obstacles by our natural immunities to the onslaught.
Humans are slowly stripping the layers of self-awareness away. Ironically, this leaves us fighting for or own self-identify and a sense of purpose, which we had to begin with but is now lost to us. We now try to fill the void with more tech, drugs, immediate gratification, psychobabble, therapy, hate, consumerism, and want-a-bees. We lost the well rounded, curious and robust nature of ourselves. And the further we get from our humanity, the more confused and inhumane we become. The more confused and inhumane we become, the less we know how to find our way back and the more psychotic our society becomes.
I have now got my eyes wide open, it is apparent that we are now at the tipping point where individuals must decide if humanity is worth fighting for. It is a human-technocratic dilemma, one of our own making. The dilemma is, do we fight, or do we rip out out humanity completely, thus evolving us into a Humtechian, as you will? For once we start down this path, there is no going back, ever.
To be human is partially to understand our place in and around own universe, to experience life in all its colors and all its potential. To celebrate our diversity as individuals. To find strength in ourselves, to celebrate our humaneness – the awe of being alive, delving into our abilities as individuals and the thrill of discovery. Let’s go back to what it means to to truly be ‘human’.
Dalpe, Edmund. Dream Duet
Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology, Source: The Question Concerning Technology (1977), pp 3–35
Ventegodt S, Andersen NJ, Kromann M, Merrick J. Quality of life philosophy II: what is a human being? ScientificWorldJournal. 2003 Dec 1;3:1176-85. doi: 10.1100/tsw.2003.110. PMID: 14646012; PMCID: PMC5974854.