Natural Gardens and The Odd Neighbor

One thing about living in a community is that you have no control over neighbors bad habits. Especially when it comes to you loving nature and they seemingly do not. 

I have an assortment of bird feeders, chipmunk feeding stations, bath areas, wood piles and lots and lots of flowers, trees, and bushes for rabbits, possums, bees, birds and butterflies. One might say that I love nature and my yard shows it. However, I also have, a bordering neighbor who tends to put out traps, bird reflection devices, and poison on the lawn to deter, what they call ‘pests’.  

Speaking of neighbors, I often wonder what goes on in their mind as I set up my ‘natural’ landscapes around my home.  Periodically, we still do the courteous ‘hellos’, but I can almost see the steam coming out of their ears during the greet. 

So, I would love to continue to have my natural landscaped home, however, I feel guilty and saddened that –  where I invite bees, butterflies, chipmunks, and other critters – my neighbors hopes for sterility and a wild free lawn, creating an environment of agonizing death for those that I invite.  

So my dilemma. 

I see only these options,

  1. Sell my home and move to a place where there is no people.
  2. Give in to the ‘Jones” and mow the place down
  3. Keep the place as is in hopes that it will drive the neighbors nuts and they will move.

What do you think?




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